Creating the X Factor in your small business

14.10.14 09:10 AM - By integration

When you have the X Factor, whether you’re an up-and-coming singer or business, you have something that is exciting, remarkable and sets you apart from everyone else. For your business, that means the superior element that your competitors aren’t doing and makes you unforgettable.

Get Back to Basics

First and foremost, reflect on what made you start your business right at the beginning. Use this to understand what your passions are, and make a list of the goals you set yourself. It is very unlikely that cold hard cash was your only drive. What will make you stand out from the crowd and have the business X factor is sharing this passion with your customers, suppliers and employees.

Work on Building your Brand

Visual consistency is key here! Brand recognition is built on a unique and streamlined look, not solely having a logo. Therefore you have to discover your brand’s uniqueness in order to convey the best message across all platforms. Don’t forget that customers, current and potential, will be constantly reminded by your brand why your business is better than your competitors.

Look at your Small Business through a Customer’s Eyes

Whilst your business might seem like the best choice to you, what is really important is what your customers think. What do they say about you, and why would they choose you?


What thoughts you would like customers, competitors, suppliers and employees to have about your business.

What you would like the first thought to be when someone hears your name

What words they would then use to describe your business.

If you can, find one common key brand concept that links across these considerations.


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Get a Business Mentor

Like in the singing contest, something that helps you achieve the business X Factor is a mentor. Whilst yours may not be as glamourous as the ones on TV, they can still help you achieve business success. Their experience and knowledge will help them guide you on selecting a clear career focus and set meaningful goals. They can also hold you answerable for those goals. Enlarging your networks and broadening your perspectives are some of the other benefits of having a mentor.

Blog – Tell Your Story

You have a story. Share it with people so that they become better engaged with your business. Blogging is an excellent way of doing this because it is effective, simple, inexpensive and has the possibility to go viral through the channels of social media. Communicate with your customers by sharing tips and advice, giving information about your products or services, and discussing your business stories. Anything that builds on your brand and will engage people can be relevant.
